Pertons' Covid-10 customer update

Pertons' Covid-10 customer update

UPDATE: 27th July 2020 7:00am

The safety of our staff and customers is our main priority

As per the latest government advice we are requesting that all our customers that use our tradecounter continue to use the sanitising pods at the entrance but now also wear face masks at all times whilst in the tradecounter.

We understand that some of our customers will not feel comfortable with the new proceedures, so please dont worry you can call us on 01204 792332 and place your order over the phone for collection on the carpark where we can take payment and provide you with your materials, tools or anything else. With or without your face mask.

Please stay safe

Anthony Wroe Ltd


UPDATE: 15th June 2020 9:00am

For the continued safety and wellbeing of our customers and staff we are trading with new restrictions following recommendations from government and health official advice.
We are trading with these restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, therefore please be patient with our new methods of working.
These restrictions will be in place for the foreseeable and are subject to continuous monitoring of the latest government advice and subject to change at any time.
Please continue to check our website or notices instore for the latest news regarding our COVID-19 trading.
Latest Trade counter opening hours
Monday to Friday - 7:00am to 5:00pm
We are following the 5 steps set out by the government to be covid secure
We have carried out a COVID-19 risk assessment and shared the results with the people who work here.
We have cleaning, handwashing and hygiene procedures in line with guidance
We have taken all reasonable steps to help people work from home
We have taken all reasonable steps to maintain a 2m distance in the workplace
Where people cannot be 2m apart, we have done everything practical to manage transmission risk


Trade counter / warehouse collections
1 customer (2 persons) maximum on the trade counter at any one time
Wait outside and only enter when invited in store by a member of staff
Sanitise your hands upon entering. Alcohol gel / rub is provided at the entrance.
Social distance measures in place - 2 meters at all times
Floor markers are in place to help with 2-meter distancing
Touch only the products you are going to buy
Contactless payments where possible

Loading of vehicles / collecting materials from the warehouse
Always keep 2 meters distancing
Keep out of designated areas, these are collection zones and only enter when asked to do so.
We will load your vehicle, or we will leave in a safe place for you to load yourself. Wait for our staff to instruct you what to do.

Always keep 2 meters from our delivery drivers
We will not enter any property
We can only pass materials off our vehicles and not help you carry them.
Payment on delivery and signing despatch notes, follow the instructions from the delivery driver who will ensure that the transaction is made keeping to the 2-meter distancing rules.
Where items are despatched by our courier network, they will be delivered in accordance with their own safe method of working
Please call our sales team on 01204 792332 or make your specific COVID delivery requests on placement of your online order. We will try our best to help where possible.
We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 advice provided and will keep our staff and customers updated whenever there is a change to our restrictions.
We thank you for your continued support during these unprecedented times.
Keep Safe!!

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